Monday, July 02, 2007


Yep, this is a blog. This is where I'm supposed to say what I think. Where I can share my thoughts with the world, and the world can read them and, if it chooses, react to them. And I'm here, typing away. But I'm speechless. I'm sad, and I'm sickened. But I really don't have words.

Honestly, what names are left to call them. We called them criminals. Time and again, they proved us right. We called them authoritarians. They smiled and enacted the Patriot Act, NSA warrantless spying, Guantanamo Bay and the Military Commissions Act. We said they had no respect for the constitution, and they stood before us and shredded it. We said they were bloodthirsty warmongers, and they merely nodded judiciously as they invaded and occupied two sovereign nations.

But this. Libby. The foul henchman, willing to be a stand-up guy, do the stretch with his mouth shut. Protect the Capos. And him and his family would be taken care of forever. One almost needs to remind ones self that this is the American Government, not an episode of The Sopranos. Bush's embarrassingly transparent "explanation" is that while Scooter deserved to be punished, the sentence was "too harsh". This from a man who, as Governor of Texas presided over hundreds of executions, and never once thought that perhaps those sentences were "too harsh". In his six years as President, how many young black men were sentenced to ridiculously long cocaine sentences because it was rock instead of powder?

Nope, this is the good soldier taking the hits for the team, and being taken care of in return. It is a repulsive abuse of power, but this should not come as a surprise to anyone. Think about it. Libby commits perjury in order to obstruct an investigation that otherwise leads directly to Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. The investigation stalls due to Libby's perjury. Libby is convicted and sentenced. But no worries, here comes bush to decide his sentence was "too harsh". Gee, do you think maybe Libby knew all along he had zero chance of going to prison? Talk about an organization protecting itself.

The rule of law has been on life support for years. It's now officially dead. And don't for a moment think that it will all somehow go back to how it used to be magically in January 2009. The lessons of this administration will echo down into the future, and it's unlikely that America will ever look the same again...


At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mikey, I read your comments over at Sadly No and I just wanted to say that I feel the same way. It really is sad watching this shit go down knowing that there is nothing we can do short of revolution. I just got off the phone with a friend who is an attorney who had just gotten the news. He said the same as you, kicked in the gut. We all knew that bush would pardon libby but this really was the ultimate in "Fuck You America". I heard the news and thought I might as well go rob a bank, there are no rules. Hell, I need the money. Wonder how the defense of, "Bush did it too!", would work. Yeah, well sorry about that little daydream. I guess we all have to buck up and flood those phone lines tomorrow. I called tonight after reading that the white house had shut down the phones. I got a recording telling me that bush really wants to know what I think but call from 9 to 5 I believe it was. I will, and then off to my Rep Levins office and then off to Lansing to confront whatever assholes are lingering around there over this holiday that celebrates our freedoms. What a crock of fucking shit. My flag will be flying in distress mode this 4th. Best to you and I look forward to your renewed anger/energy in the comments at SN.


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